The Zoning Hearing Board consists of five members who are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Zoning Board hears requests for variances from the Township Zoning Ordinance, appeals to decisions of the Zoning Officer, requests for special exceptions and legal challenges to the Township Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Board has formal legal status under the Pennsylvania Municipality Planning Code. Hearings are conducted with sworn testimony, cross-examinations, and the right to be represented by legal counsel.*
Zoning Hearing Board:
- Kenneth Eshleman
- Lisa Frye – Vice Chairman
- Gregory Seifert
- Janelle Winey
- Allan Winey – Chairman
- Alternate members: Robert Koppenhaver
Zoning Board Solicitor:
Ream, Carr, Markey, Woloshin & Hunter LLP
John Elliott, Esq
Zoning Officer:
Eric Swiger
The Zoning Hearing Board meets monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM if there is a hearing scheduled.
*Please note that if you need to contact the township Solicitor or Engineer, please contact our office before doing so. If you contact them directly, you will be charged through our office for any time/services they provide to you.