The Planning Commission consists of five Township residents appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for all subdivisions, land development or changes in the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. They also review Zoning Hearings and make recommendations to the Zoning Hearing Board.*
Planning Commission:
- Ben Lance – Chairman
- James Barton – Vice Chairman
- Richard Bensel
- Len Kotz
- Carla Repman
Planning Commission Solicitor:
Stone, Wiley, & Linsenbach, PC
Brian Linsenbach, Esq
Planning Commission Engineer:
C. S. Davidson, Inc.
Cory McCoy, P.E.
The Planning Commission meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00PM.
*Please note that if you need to contact the township Solicitor or Engineer, please contact our office before doing so. If you contact them directly, you will be charged through our office for any time/services they provide to you.