#1 – Proposed Zoning Ordinance Markup

The Warrington Township Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors has been working on a revision to the Township Zoning Ordinance through much of the year 2021.  Attached is a link to show the changes that were made to the Ordinance.  The proposed Ordinance has been sent to York County Planning Commission for their review and after that review is completed, the proposed Ordinance will be scheduled for a Public Hearing during a Board of Supervisors meeting on March 2, 2022.  The Board plans adoption on March 16, 2022.

#2 – Chapter X – Comp Plan change

This new Chapter has been added to the Township Comprehensive Plan so that it is in harmony with the proposed Zoning Ordinance.  The maps (link below) have also been updated to show the new Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.

#3 – Comp Plan map changes – 7 maps

#4 – 1764 Rezoning

A request has been made for a map change in the vicinity of Wellsville Borough.  The Weaver Meats property and neighboring property have requested a change from “Residential Zoning” to “Village Commercial Zoning”.  The properties are within Wellsville Borough and the Borough does not have a Zoning Ordinance.  The land associated with the parcels have no access to a public street in Warrington Township.