What are Landlord/Tenant Responsibilities?

Who is our trash hauler? And how do I set up an account?

My trash/recycling has not been picked up? Who do I call?

What one large item may be placed at curbside for pickup?

Where can I obtain a new or replacement recycling bin and is there a charge?

How do I rent a Pavilion at Warrington Municipal Park?

When is the Township Board of Supervisors meeting?

How often do I need to have my septic pumped?

How do I find out what is happening in Warrington Township? Events? Updates?

How do I apply for a building permit?

Where do I vote in Warrington Township?

Do I will need to register for a Solicitor/Peddler permit to sell goods or services door to door in the township?

Where can I get rid of electronics and large trash items?

What are the township hours of operation?

Who is the township Solicitor and/or township Engineer? and how do I contact them?